Sunday 5 February 2017

Motivation for the Lazy

It's been a while since I've sat down and got my s**t together, so I now have a back log of fashion content to post. In true new years spirit, I'm back in the blogging game for 2017 ... in February.

I took these shots back in December and I still would of course still wear this outfit (sparkles aren't just for Christmas), but it's got me thinking about my work ethic. 

I'm not going to lie, I can be lazy as f**k. When you take time creating content which doesn't pay your bills or and it isn't helping towards your career, the fun can sometimes be sucked out of it. However, working hard does pay off so I'm sticking with it and I'm talking all things motivation. 

Not to be hypocritical (as obvs there is a current lack of motivation showing in content) but heres a few things that work for me and I'll be continuing with from now on. 

1) Tidying - Coming from someone who's room tends to resemble Tracy Emin's work (please search 'My bed' If you're sure what I mean), I tend to struggle with this the most. After a spring clean, I'm always 100 times more motivated and ready to get s**t done. A clear room really does clear the mind - I'm so cliché, I hate myself. 

2) Set an alarm. I don't like to waste my day, so this one is easy. When I'm going to bed, I make sure i'll get at least 8 hours (I can't survive on less) and set my alarm for about 8am ish. If I then go to the gym or get showered and ready straight away, I always get so much out of my day. Lying in bed for hours starts of a lazy day.  

3) Lists - I used to always avoid making lists because I'd I write down every single thing that needs to be done in the foreseeable future. Then I'd take one look at it, stress, and find a way to distract myself. Planning your time can be so helpful, so to get myself in the game, I love buying new stationary/note books/planners. I then like to keep my lists sweet and simple, so I only plan what I can realistically get done so I'm not disappointed and always lagging behind. 

4) Go somewhere new to work. It's easy for me to get in the habit of waking up, going down stairs in my PJs and getting my laptop out on the sofa in front of the TV.  This is the same place I'd go to chill, so I'm easily distracted from work here (I.e watching This Morning on my days of - Phillip Schofield is bae). When I have things to do such as editing or writing, I'm a lot more productive when I'm sat at a table or in a coffee shop (if I'm feeling spontaneous). 

5) Inspiration - Obviously, a lot of creative content is found on social media, especially fashion blogs. I used to look at Instagram like a bible and would constantly be up to date, but recently I've been getting a bit bored and haven't bothered with it, which has definitely affected my work. 

It's so important to source new inspiration when you're feeling this way. After searching for new bloggers/artists/photographers work I always get a rush of motivation. Reading an interesting post or seeing a different style of photography always inspires be so get working on something new. 

6) Don't juggle too much at once. Finally, the hardest one for me. Start one task and complete it before moving on to the next. I rarely have less than 20 tabs open on my laptop and i like to think of my self as an amazing multi-tasker (is that even a word?!). This always makes every task take so much longer than if I completed it and moved onto the next after. 

I hope this inspired someone to get their arse in gear. if not, it's got me thinking. More blogs to come. 

Coat- Bershka
Dress & Shoes - Zara

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