So I recently got back from my four month trip around South East Asia/ New Zealand, and it was amazing! I experienced so much more than I could have imagined and met so many wonderful people.If you ever get the time off work or are in-between education and you have the money, there is nothing more I would recommend than to travel different parts of the world.
I've met so many people travelling alone, as a couple, with friends all having the best time. I went with my boyfriend of 3 years, we had so much fun together even if I did want to pull his hair (and beard) out half the time. I think its such an amazing experience to go though with someone you love, but I definitely wouldn't be afraid to travel alone in the future.
I was debating for a while whether to write a travel post as I always have stuck to fashion so far, and my clothing on this trip was far from stylish. But I will put together a little photo diary for most of the places I visited.

Some of the beautiful temples in Chang Mai.
I spent a week at 'Elephant nature park' in Chaing Mai, sadly one of the only humane elephant sanctuary's in Thailand. We spent the week as Elephant keepers preparing food, feeding, cleaning them and the park and just spending time with them and the all the other rescued animals that they look after. There is no riding, as the sanctuary is for the benefit of the elephants not for humans.
All the Elephants are rescued from tourism and logging (which is now illegal) and I've learnt so much about them and all their individual stories, i've come back as such an animal activist (if i wasn't enough already before).
I will try not to go into too much on here, but if you're going to Thailand and you want to see elephants, please look into it carefully before.
All tourism trades take young elephants and put them through the 'crush' to 'break their spirit'. For 3 days or more they are caged alone, with no food or water, and are tortured by people including children, with weapons. Until after 3 days, covered in injuries and their own waste, they are 'submissive' to humans. The are then forced to be ridden every day, beg in the streets, or preform tricks for money.
Many 'Sanctuarys' say they do not chain their elephants, use hooks, and they ride bare back, but this is not always true, and they most likely will have gone through the crush and have been tortured once. I know some are changing and being taught to use verbal commands and respect the elephants so hopefully things will change.
Most of the elephants had been through tourism trade at ENP and now have mental issues, as well and physical, such as deformed legs, dislocated hips and blindness. But look how happy they are now!
I'm so glad I didn't foolishly take part in an elephant trek without realizing how wrong it was, as many people ive met have done in the past without realizing. So I wanted to share all this so people don't make that mistake.
Visiting ENP was one of my best weeks ever.
How beautiful is Wat Rong Khun temple in Chiang Rai
Last stop in Thailand was a few days on Koh Tao island. The water and beaches are so beautiful, even though it wasn't the best weather when we were there- that's what you get for going to SE Asia on the edge of monsoon season. There is also lots of night life if your into that on holiday, but is overall one of the more chilled islands of Thailand. Also one of the best spots to learn how to scuba dive, which we didn't have time to do before we flew out sadly :(
Almost all photos are mine, if not they are stolen from my boyfriend-Insta: Lumberash. Hopefully people like this post, Ill get around to editing and post the next one up soon!
My instagram is Yasgrottick
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